>> I've had a letter from a graphics card user who can't play one of my
>> games because it requires 2 Meg Chip RAM.
>> Now he has about 64 Meg or something which can be used as Chip RAM
>> but AMOS doesn't seem to recognize this.
> No, that's not true. The maximum is still 2 MB ChipRAM. The rest is
> always Fast. Anyway, if he can afford 64 MB of memory, than I wonder why
> he can't afford the extra MB (with an Amiga 1200 attached) :-). And he
> also owns a gfx-card... Mymy..
Is this true? I always thought that with a graphics card, such as the Piccasso IV, then you could have extra CHIP RAM installed on it. Has anybody got one who would like to set me straight?